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How to obtain a fake Tohoku University diploma from Japan?

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Tohoku University diploma copy

Tohoku University diploma
Tohoku University diploma

Tohoku University with its headquarters located in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, is one of Japan’s national universities, a world-renowned research university, buy a fake Tohoku University diploma, and the highest institution of higher learning in Tohoku, Japan, covering the arts, sciences, engineering, medicine, and agriculture.

Tohoku University was founded in 1736 as the Sendai Clan School “Meiren Yangxiantang”, and was formerly known as Tohoku Imperial University (founded in 1907 as Sendai Medical University), one of the old Imperial Universities. In October 1947, Tohoku Imperial University was transformed into Tohoku University, the first university in Japan to accept women and foreign students, and in 2007, the university celebrated its 100th anniversary.

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Tohoku University has a tradition of “respect for research” that has been passed down from generation to generation. For example, the Institute for Materials Research, under the leadership of Dr. Kotaro Honda, who created the KS alloy steel, has continued to do so for decades, and many of its members have received awards such as the Medal of Culture, the Culture Prize, the Japan Academy of Sciences Prize, the Honda Memorial Prize, and other prizes. The large-scale solar furnace of the Institute of Scientific Research and Measurement is famous not only in Japan but also in the world and has contributed to energy research in Japan.

The Faculties of Science, Engineering, and Medicine have produced a number of outstanding scholars, such as the late Sensei Bushi, who was awarded the Japan Academy of Sciences Prize for his work on brain anatomy, and the former president, Hirokazu Honkawa, who was awarded the Japan Academy of Sciences Prize for his work on the basic study of brain waves. fake Tohoku University diploma generator, The Department of Pathology of Mr. Oya Motomura, the Department of Internal Medicine of Mr. Hanjiro Kato and Mr. Fumiyoshi Nakazawa, and the Department of Surgery of Mr. Shigeji Katsura have pioneered the field of medicine in Japan. Prof. Takeo Yokobori of the Strength of Materials Laboratory attached to the Faculty of Engineering was awarded the Japan Academy of Sciences Prize as early as 1971, and many of the research results of the researchers in the Laboratory in the fields of atomic energy and ocean development have been published in journals in Japan and abroad.

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